
Error updating your vCSA

Updating your VMware vCenter Server Appliance (vCSA) and see error downloading manifest? I’ll show you how to get around it and back on track.

I chatted with VMware support, and they suggest a method that worked for me.

I am a big fan of virtual appliances, and the latest version of the vCenter server appliance (vCSA) is wonderful. One of the great things about a virtual appliance is the ease of upgrading it. In my case, I am running vCSA Build 1476389 and when I tried to update the vCSA to Build 1623101 (Update 1) – using the built-in update feature, I received the following error:


If you think your stuck, well your not! One way to get around this issue is to do the following.

I also chatted with VMware support and they confirmed that this is an issue and that they are working on getting a fix out as soon as possible. I hope this quick post provides some guidance.

One last thing, ensure you have a backup of the appliance before the change.

Let me know on Twitter if you encountered this error and how you got through it. Thanks for reading!