
vCommunity Fun in Vienna

This weekend I’ll be travelling to Vienna for the Nutanix .NEXT conference. I am super excited to get the chance to meet many folks that are part of the vCommunity. It’s not often I get the opportunity to go to Europe, so this will be special.

Here is a cool video to introduce the conference.

.NEXT in Vienna is our first European event, and it’s sold out. We have a great lineup of guest speakers along with many Nutanix folks who are excited to share the changes happening in our data centers and the enterprise cloud.

Some of the guest speakers I am keen on hearing from

Another aspect of the event that is important to me is building personal relationships with the vCommunity. It’s these personal relationships that make our vCommunity so special. Social media has made the world smaller, but you can’t replace the face time you can get with people you meet at these events.

I always do my best to be accessible at large conferences, especially when you're meeting someone new. My goal is to meet at least 100 new people at .NEXT, hope that sounds like a reasonable number. We will have a community lounge where I expect to chat and engage with many folks.

As is the case, in the vCommunity we all know each other, but I always enjoy that moment when folks introduce themselves, then quickly follow up with their Twitter handle. It’s at that instant you see the light in their eye’s, and you get the ‘Yes; Hi, pleased to meet you in person finally.’

Let’s have fun in Vienna, vCommunity, take the time to meet new people and learn a lot about simplifying your data centre with the enterprise cloud. You can also follow activities on Twitter by following Nutanix or following the conference hashtag #NEXTConf.

Are you attending .NEXT in Vienna, be sure to ping me on Twitter and let’s connect at the event. Do you have any tips to share when attending large conferences? Share them in the comments below, and thanks for reading.

Oh, one thing I need to remember to bring is a European power converter – fingers crossed I don’t forget, but I know that’s where the power of the community will help!